Sunday, January 29, 2012

Introductory Video

My mostly chronological photos, to introduce myself to you. Hope you enjoy. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nabokov: What makes a good reader?

What makes a good reader? Click HERE to find out?

The first point Nabokov makes was, readers must approach a new book as a new world, read it without associating it to other books, worlds or news. The Nabokov put it very well; “Study that new world as closely as possible, approaching it as something brand new”. Basically he says writer is a creating a world of their fancy and you certainly have to take it with a grain of salt, it is just their own world not necessarily true to any tangible or historical place.

Second point he made was, using your imagination is very important, but not an imagined association. Nabokov says he would like the reader to use instead an “impersonal imagination and artistic delight.” A good reader should be reading trying to remain in good balance of objectivity, and subjectivity. The best temperament for a reader to develop “ is a combination of the artistic and the scientific one.”
I think the perspective and ideas Nabokov puts together about being a good reader are excellent. I think he is spot on. I definitely need to personally find the balance between objectivity and subjectivity when it comes to reading. I find myself either becoming engrossed, and having too many subjective associations or the opposite, reading a novel and having it become just cold had business.  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tester Post

Good Morning all. Just making sure I have all my ducks in a row. It has been about ten years since I have used any sort of blogging site. I am happy to not be posting a bunch of teen angst. Victory in becoming an adult. Life is busy, but I look forward to the reading and writing I am adventuring toward. Now on to all the other things that must get done before work.