Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nabokov: What makes a good reader?

What makes a good reader? Click HERE to find out?

The first point Nabokov makes was, readers must approach a new book as a new world, read it without associating it to other books, worlds or news. The Nabokov put it very well; “Study that new world as closely as possible, approaching it as something brand new”. Basically he says writer is a creating a world of their fancy and you certainly have to take it with a grain of salt, it is just their own world not necessarily true to any tangible or historical place.

Second point he made was, using your imagination is very important, but not an imagined association. Nabokov says he would like the reader to use instead an “impersonal imagination and artistic delight.” A good reader should be reading trying to remain in good balance of objectivity, and subjectivity. The best temperament for a reader to develop “ is a combination of the artistic and the scientific one.”
I think the perspective and ideas Nabokov puts together about being a good reader are excellent. I think he is spot on. I definitely need to personally find the balance between objectivity and subjectivity when it comes to reading. I find myself either becoming engrossed, and having too many subjective associations or the opposite, reading a novel and having it become just cold had business.  


  1. Hi Katie,
    I agree with you that Nabokov's ideas of a good reader are excellent. After reading this document I realized that I too need to take his advice when reading rather than just plunging into the story! Have a great semester.By the way I liked the video!

  2. Katie,
    First off, A whole new world is an awesome song. I do like the analogy you used, a book should be a whole new world. I try to go into reading a book without even reading the back cover. That makes it so the author can transport me without any preconceived notions about the story line. I really like your writing style and look forward to reading more.

  3. Hi Katie,
    I agree with you that Nabokov's says that readings are creating a fancy world when their reading a book. That's totally true for myself I picture myself actually being there when I read a book, it's totally funnier that way. Have a great semester and hope to read more of what you have to say!

  4. Hey Katie,
    I agree with you 100 percent. A lot of times it can be hard to subject yourself to the completely new world that you mentioned and brought a song for, (Aladin rocks!) and I think it is important to let the story take you wherever it takes you. As a reader, we are only on the ship and the author is the one taking us on a voyage. We can jump ship if we want to, but then we wouldn't get anything out of it.

  5. Hello Katie,
    So Aladin is my favorite movie and I was excited to see that on your page. I definitely agree with you about how we need to be subjective and objective with our reading. I think the better we get at that while we read, the better we will understand how to write.

  6. I also agree that it is hard to subject yourself to a whole new world, but when you can grasp where the author is trying to take you, when you can really feel emotion for the characters, when you cannot stop reading and find yourself completely in the world the autor has taken you it is a very good feeling to feel the excitement that reading can offer. It is hard to get into that mode with some books, and for me a lot of time not at all. But, I always give the book at least a hundred or so pages before I toss it or makr objections to the writing. I liked your post..Have a good semester!!

  7. First off, excellent choice on the movie clip. Aladdin was one of my favorite movies when I was growing up and now I love showing it to my kids. They just don't make em' like they used to :)
    Reading a book really is like entering a new world, we use our imaginations to step in to the world/story that they have provided for us. Fact or fiction, it is not where we are or likely have been and they take us there. I have a hard time opening up to subjects that I don't normally find interesting, that is the area I need to work on.

  8. Like you and the others who have commented, i agree when reading you must allow yourself to accept a new world and put yourself in it. if you don't then you will not fully grasp what the author is trying to say. I also agree with you when you say you get to involved and think too much when reading or the opposite that it just seems like work to read, I am the same way.
